Do you remember the last time you received a card in the mail? In a sea of junk mail and bills, a card is a simple thing that really stands out to the person who receives it. Sending a card is a small gesture that shows just how much you care about that special someone in your life. With World Card Making Day coming up on October 1, celebrate by making and sending a handmade card to someone who could use a little recognition, love, or just a boost (which is anyone, really!).
It’s also the perfect time for me to encourage and inspire you to send cards too! And in celebration of World Card Making Day, from October 1-5, you can save up to 25% on cardmaking essentials that can be used to share your love all year long!
Promotion Details
• Promotion period: October 1-5, 2016
• Deadlines:
• Phone/Fax/Mail: October 5, 2016, by 6:50 PM (MT)
• OEX/Online: October 5, 2016, by 11:50 PM (MT)
• Deadlines:
• Phone/Fax/Mail: October 5, 2016, by 6:50 PM (MT)
• OEX/Online: October 5, 2016, by 11:50 PM (MT)
Please use Hostess Code 634QC6XK when shopping online and your order will come directly to you.
Happy Stamping!

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